


    gone wrong

Nobody wants it, but everyone is doing it! .

The death cult
of imperialism

A tradition is driving mankind mad

english                    deutsch

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        The doom began 2000 years ago

  A philosophy came into the world. Three hundred years later, the rulers of the Roman Empire realize that the submissiveness of this philosophy makes it easier to control their peoples. It is for this reason that on February 27, 380 it is elevated to the status of state religion. Later this religion will become known as Christianity.
    Symbolic starting capital of the state religion: 1 USD    

  The subservience of this philosophy is also the guarantee that thereinafter no one will dare to touch the ever-growing capital of the state religion. Believers who recognized the curse of the capital split off or discarded their faith altogether. Virtually unnoticed by the public, the ever-growing capital will, over time, quietly and unnoticed behind its religion, grow into the largest empire of all time in many countries of the world against broad secular resistance and develop into a subsidized, tax-favoured state within the state. The geopolitical machinations remained concealed behind the façade of Christianity, which meanwhile has spread worldwide, and emperors and kings, crowned by the Pope, counties, duchies, abbeys, monasteries and other noble families were carried forward into the 19th century. In the 20th century, sham democracies were put over the empire’s façade. The geopolitical strategies are still the same. Everything has remained as before. And at all times arms were kept ready against the "infidels" and dissidents. Today more than ever before. The infidels and dissidents are also arming themselves worldwide. For them this is self-defense.    

  At some point, the Roman Empire fell from an external perspective. But what fell was only the empire, not its state religion. The religion remained intact with all its capital. Later that capital was taken over by the "Holy Roman Empire", which saw itself as the successor to the Roman Empire. But that empire also came to an end. The capital of religion, however, remained intact. And parts of the capital of both the Roman Empire as well as the Holy Roman Empire had already merged with their religion, which by then had spread across half the world, before they fell. The treasures of the indigenous peoples that had been stolen over the centuries almost entirely. And this capital has grown over time, hidden behind its religion, into the largest empire of all times and operates as a "deep state" behind most democracies, not only in Europe and the USA.  This capital maintains its religion as a façade to hide its imperialism, which has grown into a military-industrial, increasingly digitalized complex.
- Quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1912: "Behind the ostensibly democratic governments sits enthroned an invisible government that owes no loyalty to the people and recognizes no responsibility.“   

The insane fortune that has developed momentum behind its religion is running a deep state behind many democracies, not only in Europe and the USA.

  Here is a written statement by Heiner Flassbeck, German economist and Chief Economist for Trade and Development at the United Nations (UN) from 2003 to 2012: “We have known for a long time that this is the case, but there is nothing we can do about it“    

   How enormous has the capital of the Roman Empire become, which has maintained its religious rituals and ceremonies over the centuries in order to conceal its imperialist capital. How enormous has this capital grown in the 1700 years of its existence up to the present day?       

And who does it belong to anyway?

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How much is the empire's capital today?

Symbolic starting capital on February 27, 380 = 1 USD   

The return + the interest-bearing increase in value of the respective capital    
amounts to 1.4 % annually adjusted for inflation    
In addition, the capital increases by 1.9 % annually through constant new activities
Every 100 years, the total capital is
halved due to wars against dissidents, secessions, revolutions, political upheavals, and other events.

How much has the capital grown by January 1, 2019?

A math professor gives the answer:
.(1,033)^1638 * 2^(-16) * 1 USD = 1 904 788 316 344 991 853,-- USD

These are approximately  1,9 trillion

Divided over 8 billion people, that would be
about 238 million per person.

Hard to believe? However, mathematics does not lie, nor is it corruptible.
Quote from Harald Lesch, astrophysicist: "Exponential growth is one of the most underestimated processes.“   
Insiders even suspect that the symbolically estimated     
parameters (€ 1 / 1.4% + 1.9%) are set much too low ???

It is in the nature of things that a calculation based on symbolized data naturally only provides a symbolic result. But even this symbolism cannot truly reflect the dimension of madness that is hidden in reality.

Moreover, this sum could not be calculated in this way, because the vast majority of capital is in the international financial and capital markets as virtual capital
(there are vastly more sums in circulation and stored on hard disks than there is real capital). The increasing digitalization of the financial world is overriding all upward limits. So-called "artificial intelligence" is increasingly automating the upward path of capital. Humans no longer intervene. And with futures trading, we are also bringing the future into the present. But there is a very good reason to include this virtual capital in the total, because this virtual capital is even more destructive than real capital. And it mercilessly drives the international financial and capital markets. The inscrutable, globally interwoven web of financial networks of the largest empire of all times is the largest shareholder and most aggressive stock market speculator in the world. But who actually owns the empire's capital? Are puppets operating on the world's stock exchanges with capital that belongs only to their own historically grown tradition?

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Who owns the most insane fortune of all times?

Who, for instance, owns 20% of the arable land in Spain, Portugal and Argentina?

Let's assume that I own these lands. I will sell them and gamble away one third of the proceeds in the casino. I spend one third on wine, women and song. I'll use the rest to buy a pile of wood and set it on fire. Can anyone object to that? No, nobody can stop me from doing that, because this land belongs to me and hence I can use the proceeds as I wish.

Or, let us suppose this land belongs to a limited company. Can the shareholders of this limited company decide to sell this land and distribute the proceeds to the shareholders (minus taxes) and could anyone prevent the shareholders from doing the same as me with the proceeds? No, nobody could prevent that. Everyone is acting perfectly correctly. They can all do the same as me. The same also applies to all other types of company.    

But these lands belong to the Roman Catholic Church. Is there anyone in the Church who could do the same as me, namely sell these lands and use the proceeds for himself as he wishes and without restriction? No, there is no such person, because the capital of the Catholic Church does not belong to anyone, it belongs solely to itself, to its own tradition.

The people in the Church can, of cours,e sell these lands, but the proceeds remain in the Church. They can also exchange land for other land, but the exchanged land also remains in the Church. The people only manage the Church's capital, it does not belong to them.

Whose proceeds one could not freely dispose of,
whose owner (proprietor) one is not.

But who really owns these assets?

The most insane fortune of all times belongs to itself, to its own tradition.

  Fortune strives solely to preserve itself. At all times has it stood in opposition
to the cross, the symbol of the encounter with oneself.

No one can access it, because it does not belong to anyone. If you cannot dispose of its proceeds at will, you do not own it. The capital belongs to itself and has grown exponentially for almost two thousand years, destroying everything in its path at all times. Algorithms are now also driving it on the world's international financial and capital markets. Lifelessly and therefore unscrupulously. Globalization has emerged from missionization via colonization. No conscious life is involved, only the imperialist actions of unsuspecting puppets. It is like this because it has always been like this. Everyone is just doing it because everyone has always done it that way. We come into the world and the world is already here. And imperialism is already here, too. And everyone thinks the world is like this. But it is not.
Everyone is forced to join in, because this system, which does not include a single perpetrator, but only victims without exception, has pushed its own momentum into all areas of life and has also infiltrated most of the world's media. Even the various educational institutions have only been able to escape it in isolated cases. Even barbed wire across Europe and the Boxer Rebellion in China could only temporarily halt the empire's development locally.  It was only people that were stopped at borders; capital has constantly been finding ways through the barbed wire.   

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And the living have become poorer and poorer. 

And the people in the Catholic Church have therefore always remained just as poor as their church mouse. With a few exceptions at the very top of the hierarchy. But even these have not really become rich. And their living space has also become narrower. Even the living space of those within the church. After all, they are just as much in the same boat. They cannot leave this boat either, because we do not have a second earth. And the "kingdom of heaven" is not out there somewhere, but inside every single one of us.

   Humans, animals and nature have one common enemy

This enemy is not made of flesh and blood, but this enemy has grown over 1700 years behind its religion. A masterless, womanless and soulless capital that belongs only to itself, to its own historical tradition. It mercilessly drives the international global players at its will, driving people, animals and nature into the abyss. This capital operates a deep state behind most states, not only in Europe and the USA!    Quote from Horst Seehofer, Federal Minister: "Those who decide are not elected, and those who are elected have nothing to decide.“

No one is behind it, only tradition with its clueless puppets degrades even democratically elected politicians to puppets - Quote from Ronald Reagan: "I can't imagine how you can be American president without having studied acting.“  -  The politics of most countries has always been merely a puppet of this capital. Ethnicity or affiliation plays no role. New peoples, countries and entire continents have been food for this capital for centuries. But now there is no more new food to be found on our planet. Extending the system to other planets will not work, because other planets will not be accessible in the near future. Without new food, the capital is increasingly attacking its own population. It is constantly creating new artificial needs in order to capitalize on them, because a system built on growth dies without growth.

Constant artificial innovation overburdens humans, animals and nature
There is hardly any room left for natural needs.

The reconstruction of bombed countries on the basis of bonds is the colonialism of our time. Chainless enslavement par excellence, because chains hinder work, bonds drive it. However, some areas could never really be fully colonized or have repeatedly resisted colonization. Accordingly, imperialism is aggressively pursuing its efforts to subordinate the entire world. Even the man in the moon is no longer spared. Everyone else is also taking up the cause. Self-defense for the others.   
    Capitalism has brought a lot of good things to the world for people. But imperialism destroys everything. It doesn't care about people, animals or nature.
It only knows one thing: more, more and more again. Business is usual.

Imperialism's capital under the sign of the laurel wreath: caesar.jpg
This capital does not belong to the living. It belongs to itself, to the dead of its tradition. Lifeless and therefore unfeeling, it pushes mercilessly at the most aggressive places in the world (the international imperialist financial markets) and exerts murderous pressure on people, animals and plants right down to the soil.

Question for a farmer with a few hectares of arable land:   
„Why are you polluting your soil with more and more artificial fertilizer?" "I could cry when I see how I'm ruining my own soil," says the farmer, "but more and more of my harvest is being siphoned off on the world's grain exchanges. I have to do it, otherwise I can't survive."

Dead people force the farmer to kill his soil!

How sick is that?

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   Who owns the greatest fortune of all times?


The most insane fortune of all times does not belong to the living, but to the dead in the catacombs, because no living people, only the dead, are entitled to personally adorn themselves with precious stones from the assets of the Roman Catholic Empire. - Quote from Heiner Geißler, former Federal Minister: "The claim that there is no money to eliminate misery is a lie. There is money like dirt in the world, only the wrong people have it."        .

     All countries in the world are in debt   

Indebted to the greatest capitalist of all times, the dead in the catacombs. 

The whole world is in debt to the dead
The living must therefore commercialize not only their own living space, but also the future of coming generations in order to be able to pay the installments of this debt. Does this mean that even the unborn are paying taxes to the dead?  Are not only those living today being taxed a part of their lives, but also those born in the future, paying interest and dividends to the dead? Is a considerable part of our ever-increasing taxes and levies going to the dead of the imperialist tradition?    

It is the historically grown capital that, according to official statistics (the number of unreported cases is not known), causes 26,000 people (including almost 10,000 children) to starve to death every day, while four trillion USD are traded tax-free every day in the world's financial centers. You can accuse many people of many things, but it is almost 100% unlikely that living people would be capable of such a thing. It is the dead who starve the living. Compared to the power of the dead of yesterday, today's multi-billionaires are just powerless puppets with no influence on world events.

The dead starve the living

Did the ancient Egyptians already raise the dead above the living and did the Christian West merely adopt the cult of the pharaohs?

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    A tradition is driving mankind mad   

The capital of the soulless dead (the demon that drags everything into the abyss)

Driven by religiously indoctrinated fascist fundamentalists who want to lay their strictly patriarchally structured world at the feet of a supposedly returning Messiah. The papacy is also kept alive, because without the fear of eternal damnation instilled from childhood, nothing works. Because fear is the oldest and most powerful weapon for suppressing life. Without a fear of the whip instilled from an early age, tamers, for example, would not be able to keep predators at bay.       

Until well into the 19th century, popes crowned empires, kingdoms, counties, duchies and other aristocracies, monasteries, convents and dioceses.
In the 20th century, democracies were put up as a façade. Behind the façade, the balance of power of mercilessly he capital hardly shifted. Everything remained the same.   

Aggressively defended and infiltrated by countless parasites of various ethnic origins, who also justify their totalitarianism by the ideology of this capital.   
Praised by numerous hypocrites who abuse the Christian philosophy in order to buy their way out of their conscience with its fake ceremonies and rituals. Lying and cheating on weekdays, confession and communion on Sundays and all is well.   
Women were always kept away from key positions, because for many of them, who can feel life growing in their wombs, the love of life tends to take precedence over capital. Husbands (and other companions) have also always been kept away, because for many people who feel love, capital feels rather cold in comparison.     

Disguised by internationally intertwined, multinational investment, trust and asset managers who are pushing the listed global players on the international stock exchanges and financial centers with ever higher and faster transactions more aggressively than ever before. They must constantly create new artificial needs in order to withstand the ever-increasing pressure. If you follow this web of networks and mutual shareholdings long enough, you will eventually become part of a circle without natural persons ever appearing as owners. The ownership relationships go round in circles internally. - An example from a Hamburg tenants' association:
Minute 0:58 - 2:08 youtube.com/watch?v=pxqkQ-vzhzY&t=58s    
This principle can be extrapolated 1:1 to imperialism.   

The most insane capital of all times, permeated with a sprawling bureaucracy, legally enforced by Roman law in Roman state structures, belongs only to its imperialistically grown tradition. No one appears to be the owner.   

Defended against the rest of the world with its listed military-industrial, digitalized complex. The rest of the world is also arming itself. Both militarily and industrially. Today more than ever. This is self-defense for them.   - Never in the history of mankind have nations waged war against each other. It was always just their leaders. The people on both sides have always been victims of war propaganda prepared by the media. No law of nature requires people to kill one another.     

Quote from Daniele Ganser, historian and peace researcher: "99 percent of people don't want to kill others.“   -  Only the puppets indoctrinated by the dead of historically grown tradition and their brainwashed henchmen give orders to shoot at innocent lives. Even the soldiers on both sides are only ever victims of capital.   

No one dares touch the greatest fortune of all times. It is destined to be laid at the feet of the supposedly coming "Redeemer".  Puppets of the dead have built it up as a gift to the Redeemer so that he can take them all to the kingdom of heaven in return. The unbelievers remain behind in their destroyed world. Such bad luck.

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The lie has already been around the world 3 times before the truth has tied its shoe laces. But at some point, the truth has its shoes on after all.

gone wrong

One says to the other:

Who are you?
  I am truth and you?

I am the thousand-year-old tradition. Have you seen it?
I have laid half the world at your feet.

  I have looked at everything.
  Why is there so much blood everywhere, even on your hands?
Uh, hm, well, well, it's like, uh

  What's your name? 

  Cain, where's your brother Abel?
Can't you see all the rituals and ceremonies
ceremonies with which I honor you?

  Where is your brother?
But have you also looked at the many magnificent cathedrals
that I have built in your honor?
  Where is your brother?
Are you serious or are you just playing a game with me

Ask the truth:
  What is that, a game?


Steyr,  01.03.2019

badhofer steyr AUSTRIA


pdf capitalocene.pdf

The Capitalocene

The age of the 
imperialist death cult


„ Madness is invisible, when it has
sufficiently large dimensions.“
      Bertolt Brecht



The truth is horrible, as some say, dirty, smelly and almost unbearable. 
Everything is just a cliché and yet, the truth is as white as snow.  

(Wolfgang Ambros)

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